First Cup of coffee Blog

Well I have posted this photo of Boris in reply to a request from Joanna. Boris is now 18 months old and is just starting to show the signs of real manhood as he is posturing with attitude at any given perceived threat to himself, Gloria and strangely any one of the six remaining runner ducks.
He is also not limiting his intimidation to strangers and Chris (of course) but is on occasion now giving me a quick peck or one of his well aimed karate kicks.
I have found that you have to jump on any male aggression very quickly with hormone filled roosters, so I have followed suit with Boris, whenever he has "performed" immediately I have picked him up and walked around with him under my arm. Now cockerels will eventually succumb to this show of dominance and will go limp on you after a minute or so, but this morning I have found it is a little more difficult with Boris.......only for the fact that he weighs a bloody ton!
I staggered around with him in my arms for a good 5 minutes before dropping him on the grass and limping back in to the house for the first cup of coffee of the day! These animals will be the death of me.
When I got back to the kitchen I could have wept, the floor resembled a Jackson Pollock painting! as Albert had somehow stepped into the remains of the chicken korma I had thoughtfully left out on the side in the slow cooker, and had daintily tiptoed orange sauce over every surface. Not to be outdone William had added to the carnage by dragging a plastic bag of rubbish from the kitchen table and had shredded the contents in search of cat food.
Suffice to say I am now sat in the lounge with a coffee......I need a caffeine kick before I face the kitchen and indeed the rest of the day


  1. As my youngest son would say, "Welcome to my life..."!

  2. Ahhhh - the joys of keeping animals! Makes you glad to be alive ;-) Hope your day gets better! xx

  3. "quick peck or one of his well aimed karate kicks"

    Franklin has never done anything like that but he was several months old when we bought him, maybe the previous owner aided in settling him down, but I wasn't thinking Franklin got that much attention at his former home. He was in a pen with his brothers and they were going to "market."

    Boris looks big!

    I don't know how much Franklin weighs but many a visitor has eyed him for the table.

    We have a pair of Irish Terriers and I see your Welsh and Scotties, gotta love the terriers.

  4. We cannot leave ANY food out, as Priscilla has recently taken to climbing on the counter inspite of constant scorning. She seems to love bread products. Now you need to post a pic of you carrying Boris. That would be a great gas!!

  5. I will put my truss on and will give it a go!

  6. Maisie has a similar knack of bringing chaos to a room in a very short time and with seemingly very little effort. Young Albert sounds as though he is doing ok though!

  7. Our new tom, Dozer, has started smacking out with a wing or giving a painful peck. I can't even imagine picking him up. He is quite a hefty boy. Your back must have protested!


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