Allotment Open 2009

The first of the allotment open visitors arrived at 12 noon and the last ones left at around 7pm. It is an absolute guess but we had around 200 people through the gate throughout the afternoon and my initial worries about no one turning up were I know, totally unfounded!

A significant number of people were interested in buying and ordering chicks from me, here (above) I was chatting to a girl from a nearby village about how lovely Buffs are
some of the younger locals
My Brother Andrew on the gate

Several people loved the "old fashioned feel" to the afternoon, which I think was helped by the mass of homemade cakes, tea and the festoons of bunting

Below the ladies of the tea tent! (Chris, Judy Janet and Janet Jones!) I actually heard Janet (my sister) say to Canon Rowland "More tea Vicar???"-she was egged on by Chris no doubt

Above the allotment seemed pretty busy all afternoon, below stalwarts from the village like Auntie Glad (with her niece who follows the blog avidly I am told), didn't let us down!

Below ex Trelawnyd girl Hazel with Marie, one of the nicest of my work colleagues

Geoff's wife Chris and family
some of the donated cakes and fruit loaves

Below friend Helen who runs the animal feed shop in Lloc

One lady (below right with sister Ann -and forgive me for forgetting your name) drove all the way over from Mold to be with us. She is apparently a big allotment fan and wants to come over to help us with next year's open day!

Below Neighbours Pat and John

Below the prestatyn "affable despots"

The weather held up for the best part of the afternoon, and the mix of people that turned up was refreshing and welcomed, as it comprised of the older people from the village was well as a good proportion of the younger families, who I don't always get a chance to meet up with, we also had three vicars, a smattering of my work colleagues and the veteran vegetable expert Merion turned up! and he actually praised me for the size of my cauliflowers!...who could ask for more eh?

It has been a tiring day, but a satisfying one.


  1. Dearest Bro,
    It was a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Congratulations on a successful community event.
    Ann xx

  2. Congratulations! Looks like a fantasy come true too me. Wish I was there to share the happiness of the day and eat some of those yummy goodies. ;)

  3. What an exciting day! The desserts looked SOooooo yummers. Congrats on such a good turn out. Knew you would do it up right!!


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