Polling day

The elections for the European Parliament took place today and after a bit of a mental tussle with my conscience I took myself off to vote! In these awfully cynical times of MP expenses, it has been suggested that a combination of apathy and dissatisfaction by the electorate may mean that far right BMP representatives may get a foothold on the political ladder and although I did have a temptation to just deface the voting paper (which would be recognised as a show of dissatisfaction against all of the political parties!!)..
In the end I voted tactically. When I returned home from the polling station, I noticed that the village Conservation Group volunteers had been hard at work and had filled the flowerbeds in the centre of the village. The Village has two community groups,- the conservation group, and our Trelawnyd Flower Show Committee, both work very hard giving something back to the village, whether it be aesthetic changes to the flower beds and green spaces or practical donations to the community needs in the Memorial Hall.
I am trying to make a rough poll of the villagers to find out what we could spend monies collected by this year's Flower Show on.....answers on a postcard please
Blanche update
I have seen her outside just once today, the duckling (who I have named Haleh after my favourite character in ER ) is looking mighty fine

1 comment:

  1. Whilst I can understand the public furore about MP expenses, I find it very sad indeed that it has taken this particular issue to motivate the British public into anger with the political system.

    I agree that something needed to be done about MP’s expenses, but I feel deeply depressed by the public’s head-in-the-sand attitude towards more fundamental issues of our time (New Labour government’s casual connivance with human rights violations, ID cards, CCTV cameras everywhere, the so-called “war on terror” and the creeping cynicism of the public sector...)

    Oh, I could go on...BUT, as Arnold says right at the beginning of Torch Song Trilogy:

    “I care a great deal but...not enough”.

    Hope ‘Hen Club’ is going OK. Speak soon Nx


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