Blanche update, crops and unruly behaviour

Blanche and the duckling made their first shakey way into the hen house run this morning. Blanche still has not eaten, so I have put tempting dishes of cat food,corn and pasta in the corner of the coop, but at least they had a quick wander around. The vegetable plots are looking quite presentable now. The above plot which is filled with herbs,spinach,turnip, parsnips,broad beans and peas, is green and fresh and neat and tidy although several of the more overactive hens have now learnt to infiltrate the fencing!.
This afternoon two sets of walkers numbering around 40 individuals ambled down the lane and both groups stopped to buy eggs. All were retired members in a walking society, and as usual they came into the field to have an impromptu "guided tour".
Older people can be more unruly than smaller groups of visiting kids, as they all seem to chatter on at once and split up into little sub groups, then these smaller groups seem to call out questions like bullets shot out of a machine gun.
"what's eaten your rhubarb?"
"what's the turkey called?"
"Is that a cornflower?"
" How do you grow celery?"
"Have you got a bag of manure for sale?"
" Joan see that hen? poor little mite... it's limping!"
and then more worryingly......
"Ohhhhhhh Marjorie's fallen over a guide wire!!!"

Indeed, Marjorie HAD fallen over a fence guidewire as she tottered down to have a look at the bantams (below) and thankfully she was laughing about it as she was sat on the grass, so was all of her friends who had grouped around her in a circle (I had visions of litigation)but at least they were cackling loudly. Her hips thankfully seemed to be intact , so with a couple of free duck eggs tucked into her rucksack, I sent them all on their way.....

1 comment:

  1. Hehe. The folks are falling over themselves to get a peek at your farm animals! Nice of you to send Marjorie off with some eggs. Hope she doesn't fall on them.


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