Health and Safety

Well, I think I should thank the anonymous caller who contacted the local Council regarding the Allotment Open on Sunday, after all their "worries" about certain safety aspects of the field did precipitate a nice afternoon's visit for the council's environmental officer and gave me some valuable vindication for my detailed "risk assessment" I had completed a while ago!
In my previous life, when I was a ward manager the dreaded risk assessment was a normal daily occurrance! No one could literally fart without the risk of harm could be assessed in triplicate and signed off by a score of managers! So planning for an afternoon's tea, scones and public visit was, I admit a piece of cake

Anyhow, the envirmonmental officer was very complimentary about the field in general and open allotment set up in particular.She coo cooed over Blanche and Haleh, enjoyed watching the suncream drenched pigs and appreciated the ammount of strimming I had done only yesterday, of course she gave me the official thumbs up for the day
I hope she comes on Sunday!


  1. In these hard financial times, I think it was very community-spirited for the ‘anonymous caller’ to keep the local economy vibrant by providing the Council Officer with a day’s work. Public money well spent!

  2. Hahahaha AND pfttttttt [thems rasberries!] to the anon.caller! Take lots of photos so we can scan through them and see if the anon. caller is one of your visitors on Sunday. We should be able to figure out who it is by the sneer on his/her face and the evil glint in his/her eye! What in the world is wrong with some folks??

  3. BTW, my son worked with Keith Haring (the artist who did hands and heart) as a teenager! He has several originals. (I gave a jacket he drew on to charity for an auction several years ago.)

  4. Thanks guys,
    I have an inkling who the "caller" would be, but I would LIKE to think that it is the actions of a misguided do-gooder rather than the crass, infantile actions of someone who would like to see the church miss out on some charity money....

    people never fail to surprise me....if this person is indeed the sad is he or she???


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes