Sunday Morning sleepless in San Fransisco

Hello! Yes I am on Trelawnyd time and everyone else seems to be on Pacific time! it is 6.30am here......14.30 in Wales and I am wide awake.
I couldn't be bothered reading in bed, so I have gone out in the mist for a walk around the block and am now sat in a deserted Hotel Lobby with only two chattering clerks for company.
Last night we went to the famous TOP OF THE MARK for Chris' birthday dinner and cocktails. I spent an obscene amount of cash, but the food was lovely and the views of the bridges,bay and city breathtaking.
We all enjoyed the evening for different reasons. Chris and Sorrel loved being pampered in that wonderful over-the-top American-ish way...I just loved the view and the ambiance of the room, which reminded me so much of the Promenade Room from The Towering Inferno!!! (also set in San Fransisco!!!-how geeky is that?)
There was a lounge singer, who belted out a few well know ditties, and Chris actually got up to dance the quickstep at one point!
Today we are off to Alcatraz (after a fat bastard breakfast at Sears of course)-Looks like a warm but rainy day again.......let's hope I have not peaked too soon

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