Rainy day in San Francisco

Quick holiday blog!
I have come back to the hotel to check reservations for Chris' birthday surprise (Dinner on the top floor of the Mark Hopkins Hotel overlooking the Golden Gate!
The weather here has been rather wet but not cold and we have crammed in a great deal (Bay cruise,too much fabulous food at Sears, cable car fun times and a surprisingly good musical in Wicked!) today Chris and Sorrel have gone shopping, so I have escaped good old Macy's for a morning at the Museum of Modern art and a geek visit to see the scenic elevators (yes, the ones that were featured in Towering Inferno) at the Hyatt Regency Hotel......bliss
San Fransisco looks lovely, so I will stop now and keep the photos and holiday gossip for when I get home......
Richard seems to be surviving animal duty!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool! I didn't know this was Chris's birthday trip. I hope he didn't read this post before the surprise.


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