Nearly 47

Gardening is the best cure for a hangover. Today I have planted beetroot,fennel,succession plantings of broad beans and sweetcorn and the day has been gloriously warm and sunny.
In the garden the Ceanothus I planted two years ago has flowered beautifully and for the first time it seems to be covered in butterflies and honey bees! I am praying for a warm dry summer this year, our last two miserable ones decimated the butterfly population.

I cannot believe I will be 47 on Monday! I am three years from reaching my HALF CENTURY!!! I am reminded of the Julia Fordham song "where does the time go?" and I realise that the older I get the quicker time seems to be passing by. It is a slightly depressing thought as I don't really feel middle aged-what ever that may feel like?

My aunt is comming to dinner this evening...Chris is cooking! bliss....


  1. I'll take the time now then John to wish you many happy more years!

    Now I have to check past posts to see what you have been up to on your mini farm! ;)

  2. Boo-Tee-Ful flowers! I'll try to get over here tomorrow too, but if not, Happy, Happy Birthday to you!!
    And many happy returns of the day too!x-c


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