Bariatric trauma

I pulled my back last night. I guess it was bound to happen to someone as we were short staffed and had three emergency patients admitted who all weighed between 250 and 350 pounds each!
By the time we had moved,sedated and re ventilated the last one, I think we all were on our last legs, and I am now paying for the cumulative wear and tear of bariatric nursing care .

I has a short sleep when I got home then somehow pained and resembling an old man, I watered the hens and ducks then set the buff cockerels up in their own run again. I have come to the conclusion that Clover and Popppy will have to go. They are beautiful roosters but are far too aggressive to the hens when mating. One of the buff hens (Kate Winslett) has a very nasty gash on her back, which I have had to treat with antibiotic spray, so in the interest of fair play the boys will have to go. I will of course keep the gentler and more friendly buff cockerel Scotty,who now allows me to pick him up every day.

The weather has been glorious today.(pic is the ancient 14th Century prayer cross in the Churchyard)

1 comment:

  1. Ouch. Watch out for your back. That kind of injury seems to stick with us.

    Beautiful day here too!


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