Oh the pain

Well getting a pair of socks and pants on this morning was a Herculean affair! I could not bend or stretch at all and had to employ certain occupational therapy "tricks" from my spinal injury days to remain dressed and decent! (I won't go into details of how "difficult" it has been sitting on the loo!!)
The only answer to back pain is analgesia and mobilisation, so I have completed all the daytime jobs but have done so VERY.....VERY...SLOWLY. From time to time I have had to lie down in the grass to stretch my back muscles, and I must have looked a sight rolling around the dirt like an over-the-hill turtle on his back. I am getting just a little frustrated with the pain, I have tons of things to do this week..and all entail bending and lifting!

I had another enquiry about my poultry course this morning. As strange as it may seem, I now have 8 people who say they will attend my sessions that will start in July which is pretty exciting!
I designed some posters on the computer to advertise the allotment open day which is booked for the 5th of July and delivered them to the lady in charge of the village notice board as well as dropping one off to Jenny in the post office.
There was one other customer in the post office at the time, who encouraged Jenny to go! she had done so last year and had very much enjoyed our cakes!! "Very high quality" she remarked.
I can't believe that I blushed!
The sun came out this afternoon, and I caught up with some of the more "static" and less backbreaking jobs such as de-lousing the hens. I could only treat the more docile and tame hens, some of the older and more wary girls (like Whoopie Goldberg above) just hid away in the grass.

George tried his usual trick of egg stealing and came across an somewhat irate Lily sitting in her nesting box...after a brief stand off she chased him clean across the field. I doubt it will put him off.
Below is a photo of Pirrie. The little fella is too small to mate with the bigger hens in Stanley's enclosure, but he constantly gives it a go......even the most docile hen can batter him without worrying of any repercussion....bless he is just not up to the job!

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried taking Calms for your back, they contain Valerian Extract, a great muscle relaxant. They work a treat for me and quick. See you on Sunday. Jayne x


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