Dance Fever

Chris, Janet,Ann an full Strictly Com Dancing mode

Janet and Chris under the spot light

We all went to Llandudno this evening( I am writing this just after midnight hence the Saturday date) for a "one off" dance exhibition from James and Ola ( from Strictly come dancing)....The evening started in a slightly bizarre and surreal way, as before the bald headed singer and front man massacred "The lady is a tramp" he asked the audience to join him on the dance floor for some ballroom dancing!...of course no one came forward, well apart from a middle aged lady with obvious mental heath issues..and we the audience was left with the spectre of him ( with microphone and uncomfortable expression) and her, gyrating madly and alone alongside him on the dance floor.......weird or what?

When they did get onto the dance floor ,Janet and Chris danced very well indeed and had a great evening, so did Ann and Tim!...I enjoyed watching the moves and steps! in capacity of wallflower

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