Tau ming chong (2007)

There wasn't much on offer from the Asian epic Tau ming chong (2007) (aka The Warlords) tonight at Theatre Clwyd.....The "moving" story of three blood brother soldiers during the late 19th Century Chinese rebellion reminded me of such hollow epics as Pearl Harbor and the dreadful Armageddon as it was all flash , bang,wallop and no substance...
However It did have one thing going for it, and that was the very tasty actor Takeshi Kaneshiro (pic) in one of the leading roles....he , alone was worth the price of the ticket!

1 comment:

  1. Aaaahhh! Whew! That picture scared the shhh... stuffing out of me! I second the motion to starting an animal blog! My girls agree with me too, however I won't tell you what Chico said about not having too many pig stories instead of poultry stories, he can be so rude like that sometimes. ;)


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