Post number 1184!

Ok, not the most exciting subject for my 1184th blog, but the new duck house made me smile just a little. I picked it up this morning and put some heavy duty hinges on the broken door, before setting it up next to the big duck house.
As usual the hysterical runners went totally ape, when they spied something new in their enclosure and spent an age flapping around like idiots ( I could quite happily slap them when they start). Two of the females went this morning so I am down to 11 ducks........much more manageable than the original 22 from last year!!
I hope to breed from the three full coloured females this spring.....Stamford (the black female),Lucy (the grey) and Connie (the pure white)......the photo at the top is broody Blanche with Connie, days after my first duck hatch last spring
I am off to the cinema this evening, but should be completing paper work for the general hospital bank and the hospice (where I have been accepted to do extra shifts).......I will do the paperwork early tomorrow, before we can get stuck in with pig fence building

1 comment:

  1. Don't tell your rooster but I think that hen in the picture may be cheating on him! XD

    I don't have ducks now but I did as a kid, they make nice pets and easy to keep as well.


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