
It was only a couple of weeks ago when I found myself waxing lyrical about the movie Australia (2008) . This week, I have been watching with horror, the devastation caused to the rural communities of Victoria State in South Eastern Oz.
There is something terribly chilling about civilians being caught up in a firestorm of this size. The visuals of a young teenager's body covered in a tarpaulin yards from his motorbike which he hoped would help him escape the flames, brought forth the reality of ordinary people being overwhelmed by sudden disaster.
It was all truly horrifying

1 comment:

  1. Oh Boris is bigger than my Gobbie. Gobbie died last year from old age, he was a character, we miss him. I will have a look at your other pets tonight when I have some time.

    How anyone survived that fire is amazing, how so many died is heartbreaking. =We live in a beautiful country and some of us choose to live in the bush, knowing there are dangers but this fire was beyond anything imaginable.



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