Nice Cinema shame about the film

I was just a little giddy going to the second night of opening of the new Prestatyn Scala. The place itself is very impressive. Ok, it has that "urban" semi industrialised look which seems so popular now, but it is shiny,new, seemingly well run and most importantly 10 minutes from home!!!
We had a nice (PROPER COFFEE!) in the cafe/bar and joined another 50 or so people (in one of the two 150 seat cinemas) to watch the dreadfully lacklustre Valkyrie (2008).
The Scala is the only cinema in Wales with a digital screen, and you can really see the quality in the print. I am looking forward in watching something a little more interesting than a story we all know the ending to!

Speaking of Cinema...Theatre Clwyd's arthouse cinema has just brought out its spring listings. Their programme is a cracking one: Blindness,the classic Ladri de Biciclette (Bicycle thieves),the French drama Entre Les Murs, the violent Italian gang film Gomorrah, Far North, and the sellout documentary about 1960's Liverpool Of Time And The City.
Can't wait!!!

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