Allotment open

I have been day dreaming today about the 2009 allotment open day. Last Year's event was a great success (even in the torrential rain), so this year I want the whole thing to be bigger, better and hopefully drier.
We are going to open it up to the entire village this time and I think that we will organise an all day "open" on Sunday July 5th.....thus preventing bottlenecks of old ladies at the tea tent..
Janet and Chris will be in charge of tea and cakes again, Ann and Polly (Hazel's daughter) will be on the gate and produce stall. Practical Geoff will be conscripted into a managerial position and the village ladies can be put to work providing cakes for the afternoon.I have yet to think of some activity for my brother-in laws and Hazel but leave it with me! I am starting on making the bunting next gay is that?
This morning I have edged the vegetable plots but the rain has put paid to more activity.Below is a photo of Mildred Pierce and one of the black hookers, both have been watching me from the Church yard wall. Chris went to Church today and Canon Robert wasn't bothered about the girls' bad behaviour.....that's one in the eye for the jobsworth brigade!
Working tonight!


  1. So do we have a business plan !!

  2. Nice pictures. How much land do you have? You seem to have a good lot for the animals to run around on.
    Maybe no cow but when are the sheep coming? ;)

  3. only one field I am afraid....bout 3/4 of an acre
    I need more!!!!

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