It's only bloody snow!

As usual Britain has come to a complete halt because of a bit of snow! I find it hard to understand that scores of schools have closed early (why?--- they never did when I was a kid), people have left for home at lunchtime (why again? can't people cope with a slightly extended journey?), London buses are no longer running (they did in the war!) and the media is screaming "Disaster!" as if it was a little girl trapped in a lift!...the whole thing smacks of a touch of hysteria!
I got home after work without a problem, had a brief sleep then took Chris to the station to catch a train to Derby before taking the dogs for a very chilly walk on the beach (bottom pic).

I lit the fire early, (Albert was happy) and gave the birds extra warmed mash and some cheap Aldi pasta to keep their spirits up. The field population copes well with cold, but I did take care to fill Bunny's rabbit hutch with extra wood shavings to keep her warm. (She sleeps alone in the hutch as she cannot climb up into the A frame coop with her deformed leg)
I called into the Scala today and asked a rather old but chatty security guard for a programme. He gave me 50 (I have taken them to Jenny in the post office here in Trelawnyd) and I was a tiny bit disappointed to see that the films on show a are all mainstream flicks....having said that most ( with the exception of a few kiddie features) seem to be from the more "intelligent" end of the market......Milk,The Young Victoria, Slumdog Millionaire, etc
hey ho
postscript: 19.58pm.....the snow is very heavy...the lane is now blocked to traffic......we are cut off.........
ohhhhh errrrrrr................................................


  1. Glad you liked the snow, I'm sending you more! ;)

  2. "why they never did when I was a kid", you must have a good memory. Besides its great i get to act like a soft kid again with Helen and go sledging and building snowmen.

  3. he he. Had to chuckle at your description of the way the town was coping with the snow. Well,I'm in Phoenix for a few months & it was 82 degrees here today. Had to go out & shovel the sunshine! (I miss the snow in Idaho:0(


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