one Blog out of thousands....

Ok, there is going to be an overload of blogs documenting the snowy I might as well join in!
I was up before dawn walking a confused bunch of dogs in the drifts up the lane, then had to organise shelter for each of the enclosure hen flocks before letting the birds out.
The buffs took a brief look at the snow like old ladies watching a road traffic accident, and remained in their houses sulking and quiet!, true to form the runners galloped around in untidy circles screaming their stupid heads off in the cold.
It took me 2 hours to sort everyone out; the final job was to clean out the duck house and install Boris and Gloria for the day (the duck house is bigger than the tiny turkey house) and now I am drinking a huge cafetiere of hot coffee to warm up
Karen from the feed centre has just rung asking if I would be interested in taking two pot bellied pigs (for nothing).......I 'm thinking about it.
Cancelled Aunt Judy's visit this evening because of the snow.....we have rescheduled dinner for Sunday
(above) The main hen flock looking a little confused at 7.30am this morning


  1. Chicken snow boots is what you need, all my girls have a pair. Just joking, it is too cold here for them to go out. Your snow storm is even making the news over here.

    Pot belly pigs are cute but they still get quite large. Pigs sometimes prey on chicks and chickens, just something to think about.

  2. Sound like you got everybody squared away. John, do you ever get any sleep??


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