Dawn chorus

I was up at 6am to walk the dogs (as a favour to Chris so that he could have a lie in) Only George was ready to go out into the black cold and boy was it extremely chilly and very still down the lane near the Church.
The only thing that was stirring were the three cockerels each in their individual hen houses. As we ambled past each one answered and re answered each other with their individual styles of call.
Clover, the fat buff has a baritone bellow, whereas Rogo remains loud but a bit reedy ( a bit like a 13 year old boy's breaking voice), Stanley always sounds a little half hearted- almost as though he is still half asleep)
Despite the cold I stood and listened to them banter away in the dark...thankful that the neighbours all have gotten used to the noise...........
I sorted out the animals at 8am, gave Chris his breakfast in bed, then walked the dogs again on the beach....which was bitter! When I got home at 11am the Church bell was ringing.......Chris had been given the honour of pulling the bell rope!
I am working tonight, so will have a gentle potter about for the rest of the day. We are expecting snow later

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! O_O Kind of a spooky picture John.

    I love the sound of a rooster crowing in the morning. The first rooster 'Fred' had a really nice voice, but he was mean to the girls so now I have Chico, he has an okay voice but not as loud or musical as Fred's was. Chico also makes everyone laugh when they see him crow, I think he is trying to make up for his little size because he tries to get every last breath out in his crowing, almost to the point of falling forwards.


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