Paradise Road -

Lazy Blog day today......I have just re read the book Women beyond the wire by Lavinia Warner. It is an amazing and non nonsense account of the imprisionment of British and Australian women by the Japanese in World War 2 and brought to life the quiet bravery of many ordinary women that were later translated into the cast characters of the 1980's tv series "Tenko" and the film "Paradise Road".
The book is out of print now, which is a shame, it is a cracking and moving read.
This clip is from Paradise Road, which Warner worked upon int the 1990s .It is the story of how the prisioners formed a choir to keep up prisioner morale........You might just get a glimpse of Pauline Collins (in round glasses) who played one of the most remarkable real life characters (Margaret Dryburgh- a big hearted Christian Missionary who before her death in the camps wrote the famous "captives Hymm" )

Working later tonight....hence lazy blog!


  1. John ~ Thank you for that.I'm not much of a film buff,so was unfamiliar with this film.(Never knew the book either). Now I will have to keep this in mind for when we rent our yearly movie!It sounds very interesting.I especially like true stories.Thanks for your lazy blog;<)

  2. Oh,and I saw you changed the title from Tenko:Rose Millar story. My mom's name is Rose Miller!!


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