Good Day

I have just clambered out of a welcomed hot bath ( reading my trusty Empire film magazine) after a fruitful and busy day. We were dragged around the beach by the dogs, did the weekly shop, bought a new digital tv (15 inches is the biggest we would ever have!) and then as Chris pottered around the house I enjoyed the spring like afternoon and cleared the field of all the detritus accumulated over the past year.
It seemed as though the entire village was out and about , so every job was interrupted time and time again by neighbours seeking to buy eggs or wanting a chat.
Even Auntie Gladys, (sporting her new spring coat) called in with a bag full of home made scones.
It felt so warm that I worked until dusk digging out the potato bed with a large group of earthworm eating chicken helpers in tow. As I was turning the soil I tried to keep a jam jar full of worms aside as a treat for the ducks. Strangely enough it is of no use offering these titbits to the Buffs (looking remarkably golden in the sun-above pic) They will gather around an earthworm wriggling on the ground with a look of mild disgust on their faces- it is almost as though you have offered them a large piece of sh*t to eat! I have never seen them eat one worm since they were placed into their runs!
This evening we are just about to sit down to watch a dvd of Hot Fuzz (2007) starring the amusing and very sexy Simon Pegg

Note to self........... I am getting old!

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