A bored sick cat.and spring lists

We were busy last night with eight patients on ITU including a somewhat irate and potentially violent felon who was being "overseen" by a succession of slightly world weary police officers. We all got though the shift without any blood shed and I even managed to get a hour of dog draped sleep when I got home
Albert has been going slightly stir crazy in his cage, so when the dogs were out at the beach I let him out to sit in the sun on the bedroom window seat.The little chap is still dreadfully stiff and has not eaten very much today ( I did get his antibiotics down him hidden in a bit of tuna), so a bit of R and R sunbathing whilst mentally stalking the hens over in the field, I thought would lift his spirits!
Over several cups of coffee (Italian blend), I felt I needed to plan my working week...
so...this until Sunday, I will:-
..pick up the first early potatoes ready for spring chitting,
..Clear the remained of the vegetable beds and compost the allotment,
..Put up the advertisement in the post office regarding spring planting plugs (my idea is to swap seedlings for eggs if the local horticulturalists can be tempted)
..plan the crop rotation beds and purchase vegetable seedlings
..Clear the garden of deadwood and weeds before the herbaceous plants start to come through
..re paint the duck house,
..scrub the patio and start to re stock the planters,
..paint the garden furniture,
..take 5 of the runner ducks to pastures new,
..set the 10 chicks up in their nursery run,
..clean out the shed and set up the incubator with new fertilised eggs,
..spring clean the coops and dettol every internal surface
I love pottering


  1. Was that the plan for your week or your year?? You are one busy guy.

  2. So kitty is probably saying "let meow-t"? Okay that was a bad joke sorry.
    Your dogs are soooo cute, like little toys, they make me want to hug one. More chicken pictures and stories please! :)


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