
Il y a longtemps que je t'aime (2008) was bloody well sold out when Hazel and I got to Theatre Clwyd which was a real bummer. It is only showing again for one more night, so I will try and get to see it tomorrow. We had a look around the art gallery then had a drink and a proper chat, something that we haven't done for ages!
Hazel is just emerging from a very messy divorce, and is doing so with a great deal of dignity, so we had a "girly" time discussing her dating needs and the like.
Hazel is my only friend in Wales that loves arthouse cinema....and thank god I found her! I couldn't cope with life if I couldn't have a pretentious chat about the whys and wherefores of a certain film's narrative or structure!

I got home just before 10pm.....Chris was in bed knitting Janet a scarf. Albert was asleep in his cage, snoring gently to himself.......with William lying next to him on the outside of his bars, with his nose pressed hard against Albert's fur

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