Boris and the funeral

Another day, another funeral! This morning the village Church was filled to overflowing with people paying their respects to old Mrs Lewis who died last week. Twenty or so of the congregation even had to stand outside the church , and I was slightly taken aback as I collected the eggs, when around a couple of hundred people walked to the burial spot in the graveyard when the service was over.
I suspect it was the huge collection of black overcoats that set Boris off. Perhaps they resembled a male turkey's plumage, but as the vicar led the congregation slowly through the new graveyard (to the right of the above photo) off Boris galloped, in full feathered display! As the somber crowd gathered, he "gobbled" "whistled" and "snorted" at the top of his voice so much that mourners started to turn and point to where the strange noises were coming from!
I thought I was standing at a respectful distance behind the buff hen houses, but I knew I couldn't leave him excitedly showing off literally feet from the Church fencing! Crouching low and looking somewhat like a middle aged scarecrow( dirty combats,wellies,dirty woolly hat!), I crossed the duck enclosure like a commando (with Albert bouncing along behind me) and roughly grabbed Boris who let out a massive squawk!
Nearly giving myself a hernia I carried him to the duck house and bundled him in, where he continued to "gobble" and kick the door loudly with his massive feet! At this time severel people we smiling and pointing The whole thing must have looked rather ridiculous.
I hid behind the duckhouse until most of the congregation had disappeared!

The 10 chicks have grown up nicely, but are far too delicate to be let out in this cold weather.The wyandotte bantam chicks (the grey and black and gray babies above) look rather like the black and white minstrels from 1960's tv and are incredibly cute. I would love to keep most of them, but I know I have to draw a line in the number of mouths we have to feed. Chris' colleague Jo is having three of the little ones.
The rest of the day I have been planning the spring planting for the allotment. Beryl from Rhodfa Arthur (Rhodfa is Welsh for avenue) called this afternoon to let me know that one of the ducks had escaped and was outside her it turned up it was a old white female duck and wasn't one of my girls........if it still around tomorrow I told her I would try and catch her......yep another beak to feed.......

1 comment:

  1. Hello John
    Thank you for unlurking yourself- It meant I could find your gorgeous blog too. I love Boris - nothing like a gobbler with 'tude.

    best wishes


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