Not again!

William didn't eat anything this morning but had stopped vomiting after a rather unsettled and messy night.

I still was not happy with his general condition so took him to the vets at lunchtime. As luck would have it, the senior partner (the guy that everyone wants to see their pets) just happened to pass the vet that was examining William. He watched the junior staff member "oohh" and "arrhh" about William's physical then simply and rather chillingly interrupted with "Admit him and put him on a drip now!".
I know there are more important things in life, but the whole thing just reminded me of what happened to Finlay last year and I felt that dreaded deep knot in the chest that always occurs at times of crisis. I was convinced it was starting all over again.
William was put into the holding cage that Fin had been admitted to (which upset me more) then was taken to xray before going to theatre for an exploratory operation on an obstructed bowel.I went home and kept myself busy with the field.......thank god for the neediness of hungry poultry!
The senior vet finally rang me at with the news that William had an extensive infection to his lymph nodes which was occluding his bowel-- but hopefully there was nothing more sinister lurking around that area.
Right at this time I really wish I was not an ITU nurse as I know only too well, just how poorly a septic patient can become.....I just hope he pulls through the night ok

I am reminded of a verse of Rudyard Kipling's poem yet again....

.......When the fourteen years which Nature permits
Are closing in asthma, or tumour, or fits,
And the vet's unspoken prescription runs
To lethal chambers or loaded guns,
Then you will find--it's your own affair--'ve given your heart for a dog to tear.


  1. Sorry about William, we hope he's ok and are thinkin of you and Chris

  2. Nothing I can say will make these next few days pass any quicker. Keep your chin up. Mx


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