Sick as a dog

William and Albert, hen watching

William and Meg have spent a rather sickly day sleeping,being sick and pooing for Wales. Both dogs have got some sort of bug, so I have spent most of the day like some demented domestic (kitchen roll in one hand & bottle of bleach in the other)- cleaning up various multicoloured piles of waste.
I did have time however, to sort out the garden shed that was donated as an addition to the ever expanding allotment furniture by affable scouser Geoff. It is amazing how much crap you can cram into a large plastic box- but at least the allotment looks a little tidier.

1 comment:

  1. "It is amazing how much crap you can cram into a large plastic box"

    Hmm. Having seen the inside of your car, I can well believe it lol Nx


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