Under Observation

The scotties have been away for most of the day getting their yearly haircuts, and with William still under observation at the vets, Meg (above) has been effectively cut off from the rest of her pack. True to form she has become increasingly clingy all day , following me from room to room when I was doing the housework even shadowing me into the toilet As I am typing this she is still firmly crammed under my arm, paws wrapped around my right hand.
William remains very poorly. I called in to see him this afternoon and he looked dreadfully forlorn and quiet, curled up on a blanket like a puppy. He had a drip going but had not drank or eaten anything since his operation, but he did raise his head a little when I called his name. The "nurse" sounded dreadfully upbeat about his condition( I could have slapped her) but the vet remained rather more balanced --our little chap was far away from being "out of the woods" just yet he said kindly.
Chris has been more upset about all this than I would have expected, I guess that William with his easy nature and less needy ways is less demanding of my constant attentions than Meg, Maddie and George. When the three others are flopped over me on my sofa, William will now seek out Chris on his sofa and quietly and with stealth has wormed his way into Chris' heart over the past year.
As usual Family and friends have rallied round with calls of encouragement. Even though William is only a pet, their support is gratefully received

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