Buff rage

Clover took advantage of my overtired state this morning and launched his first major successful attack!.As I was opening up his hen house, he shot through the poop hole like a fat golden space hopper and pecked me several times sharply on my right hand. I was so surprised by all this, that I toppled backwards into the mud, and galvanised by my embarrassment and moment of weakness he let fly with a few karate style drop kicks, in an effort to finish me off.
By this time the rest of the buffs had tumbled out of the hen house to watch, and I found myself strangely worried that they might judge by lacklustre fighting performance!
Testosterone filled cockerels must be dominated as soon as they show bullying behaviour, so I immediately counter attacked with a sweeping kick to his backside. Amid a shower of yellow feathers, Clover was launched airborne with a loud "cluck!", and he landed with a bang on top of the little Buffs outdoor run.
I then pressed my advantage ( and started to feel slightly guilty as I remembered that hens have the brain power no larger than the average peanut) and gave him a hard slap on the rump for good measure.
Defeated and shamed he stalked off muttering to himself as Lily climbed up onto my knee with open and undisguised admiration

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