Thoughts of past housewives

Today I have made two dozen mince pies for Christmas and have hidden them away at a neighbours' so that Chris won't get his sticky fingers on them, I have also shopped for the ingredients for this years Christmas cake which I hope to get sorted tomorrow, as I am working tonight.
During all this home baking and home making, I got to thinking of perhaps how hard it must have been for women of my grandmother's generation to sort out everything at home. I sort out the home and the animals with all the benefits of washing machines,house hold gadgets, constant hot water, a car, supermarkets and a more importantly a wish to do it all, but even though, I can appreciate that there just is not enough hours in the day to do what needs doing
So today is case in point.
I have fed and watered 78 animals, cleaned out four hen houses and tidied our own cottage, walked William twice separate from the others so that his sutures were not pulled, walked the other three dogs twice also (once on the beach) shopped, baked the mince pies, cleaned the bog, ran down the lane with the neighbours to round up escapee hens ( including Nonnie, one of the beautiful Broody Nolan chicks below pic). I have also made Chris' diner, wrapped a load of Christmas gifts, collected and delivered some eggs,polished the silver and cut some disgusting "cling-ons" from Meg's bum.......
Thank god we don't have did women cope? Bugger only knows

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