No False Nostalgia

Being watched closely by the overactive Albert, I have transformed the cottage kitchen into an untidy sort of bakery. I have made an average Victoria sponge and a rather splendid chocolate cake for the village Christmas Fayre tomorrow night and at the moment my first attempt at a Christmas cake is half way through the marathon of a four and a half hour bake! The Yuletide smell of warmed candid peel,lemons and treacle has yet to permeate around the cottage.
The rest of the day has been pretty nondescript. Clover has been flinging me dirty looks all day, but has kept his distance, and poor Bunny (the little black hen with the congenitally damaged hip) has constantly been the object of Rogo's affections...which is worrying as physically her legs are just not up to the onslaught. I think I will separate her from the others and put her in to her own little run along side her sisters tomorrow.
The weather has been awful by the way.
The news has been full of the sudden demise of Woolworths and I must say I couldn't give a fig that it may well disappear from our high streets.

I have no nostalgic memories of Woolies at all. Even as a kid, I never ever really liked the store ( I was a bit snobby even then!), and to this day I have always found it to be---well.... a bit of a mess. I think that most big chains have a certain identity with the public which they have cleverly cultivated over the years. Marks and Spencer's are reassuringly Middle class;Waitrose and John Lewis have buttonholed the luxury market and Tesco does "cheap and value for money ". For years and years now, Woolies seems to have lost its way. Having too many fingers in too many pies,the store has become synonymous with cheapness and throwaway service and its lack of sophistication has become unfashionable with a more fussy shopping public.Personally I am tired of the big eazyjet type colours , logo and plastic 1990's feel.....I kind of prefer our village shop which perhaps sells all the same things crammed high in untidy cardboard boxes on dusty shelves...........

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