"John-the-dogs" and the strange world of the blog

Today I feel as though I have actually joined the village community properly as it were. I went to the post office to buy a birthday card (the cards look like they were printed in the 1940's) and had to wait in the usual old person queue. Now I like this ritual as you usually catch up with the local gossip, but it can cut into your day, if you are in a hurry.The longest I have been in there one morning was 40 minutes!
This morning three old ladies were chatting when I entered, and one of them that I didn't recognise smiled a welcome and said "It's John the dogs!!". This tickled me greatly, as although the nicknaming of people with their job or main characteristics IS a Welsh stereotype,I have found out that it actually does occur! (Auntie Glad's late husband is always referred to as Bob -the railway) So I am now known as John-the-dogs!! Better than John-the-old-poof Chris remarked.
I received an email the other day from a very nice Welsh terrier fan from somewhere in the American Midwest. She had been reading my blog for a while, (which is always flattering) and interestingly had traced her family tree to the Wrexham area of North Wales. She has asked me to enter a blog entry describing my daily routine....so I am warning you I may detail it tomorrow....how interesting!!!!!!!!
Gloria has settled down today, but still looks rather slutty when compared to the dapper Boris. I have caught up with the jobs as although it has been incredibly windy, the rain has kept away.
Aunt Judy is coming to tea later (and to watch Strictly Come Dancing) so I have made an apple pie from scratch. I did start by cheating, as we bought some pre made pastry yesterday, but Albert walked over the rolled out pastry just after digging away in his cat litter....even I ruled out carrying on after that........
My one and only pumpkin
Albert , leaving his box-being watched carefully by four pairs of eyes

Rogo, (son of Duncan) just starting to show his cockerel stance (Nonnie is in the background)


  1. Very funny. Now, Chris needs a 'Welsh style' nickname too, I feel. I will make a list of possible suggestions...Nx

  2. So if I get a birthday card on Tuesday that looks like it was printed in the 1940's, I'll know where you bought it !!!!!!!


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