Miss Gloria and Albert moves three feet

My efforts to find a mate for poor Boris have been fruitful! Some good old farmer saw my poster plea in the feed wholesaler today and by early evening I had Gloria firmly tucked under my arm, ready to meet up with her new mate. The farmer was due to cull his entire flock just before Christmas, so I feel rather smug at "saving" one hen out of 300 birds, who hopefully will have a nice life in my field.
Gloria is definitely a "farm" girl in looks, she is scruffy, slightly shop worn, and looks ever so slightly like a good time girl that has seen better days. Believe me, she was the pick of the flock....as I discarded several more "slutty hens" before picking her out.
Boris, found the whole new girl thing rather stressful at first, and bounced around his enclosure rather hysterically. In the end I just picked them both up and shut them both into the turkey house for the night. I hope everything will be peaceful tomorrow.

Albert has left his cardboard box several times throughout the day but has only ventured a yard or so on top of the kitchen cabinets. We have relaxed and given him his head and left him to it, and he has responded by allowing us to scratch his head or tummy every time we pass. The dogs are slowly getting used to his tiny black face popping up and into view every couple of minutes, and are getting less and less interested in his presence, but the test will eventually come when he climbs down to mix with his housemates.

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