Travel writing

My sister Ann and her husband are in the middle of their epic USA holiday. Having left New York they are now in Las Vegas before ending up in San Francisco.

I recieved an e mail off them this morning, and was amused and interested in the city' comments....

House music pumping out in the pool area (one of five) and super sized Americans having their life blood sucked out of them by one arm bandits, affectionately known as “slots”. The MGM Grand certainly lives up to its name, with a foyer as large as two football pitches, dripping in gold and carpet so thick you could loose a bullion bar in it. 5000 bedrooms with the Hollywood theme, James Cagney and Greta Garbo in over sized frames gazing down on marble bathrooms. Far flung vista;s of the purple Nevada mountains in the evening sun and the MGM Lion used everywhere. Art Deco brass lift doors feature his roaring head, they even have the real things, prowling up and down in glass cages along side the “slots”. We thought we had the best hotel on the “Strip” but were wrong - Caesars Palace is serious plastic.- soaring columns swathed in Verses gold, topped by vast painted ceilings that manage to outdo Michael Angelo’s seemingly pathetic attempts. As we entered the Forum we were greeted by Centurions and even Cleopatra and Caesar himself made an appearanceThe Forum, a twisting maze of indoor/outdoor ancient roman streets housed every upmarket designer shop you can imagine in fact we had dinner by the side of the Trevi fountain on a particularly warm evening with painted azure blue skies and fluffy white clouds scurrying above our heads. We arrived at the end of the Forum to be greeted by a three story atrium complete with spiral staircase, of course it had to be more than just that , as we took a trip on our first ever spiral escalator we marvelled at the progress mankind and in particular Americans have made.

Love T&A xx

Interesting ......

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