Man On Wire

I let the birds out slightly later this morning and sat there with a cup of coffee and a large stick, watching over them for a hour or so just in case the dog returned. Most of the hens looks back to their normal fairly stupid selves, with the exception of the buffs who remain nervous and quiet.
Chris is away working in London and staying in Broadstairs, so I have bought myself to tinned custard and ice cream for tea.......(oh the excitement of it all!) It's been a nice treat as William and Jess have been play fighting around the cottage for the past 4 hours without resting- Meg, Maddie and even George look fed up with their antics

Caught a matinee showing of the documentary Man on Wire (2008) earlier, and I was impressed by the amazing story of tightrope walker Philippe Petit and his illegal"wire stunt" between the World Trade Centre Towers in 1974. Director James Marsh wisely let the main protagonists of the event tell their own stories, and the interest of the piece for me lay with the relationships between the charismatic flim flam man Petit and the rest of his support team.rather than the amazing stunt itself. This driven Svengali, commanded an almost hypnotic attraction by his best friend Jean-Louis Blondeau and girlfriend Annie Allix and interestingly both of them had their relationships severed after the wire walk was finally completed. Marsh utilised home movies of the walk preparation,actor recreations of key scenes as well as gut wrenching original footage of the event and the total effect of it all is a fascinating,moving and slightly different type of documentary.

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