Collecting Blackberries

Chris is not back until this evening, so with the sun shining and Jess merrily chomping through 4 of the 5 dog leads in the kitchen I have strimmed the field and planned for all the new chicks to join the field population as the hens got back to normal after their shock the other day. Still no sign of the marauding dog today, I will be out early tomorrow on sentry duty yet again but at least egg production is now back up to normal..
I also made an hour free, so I could collect blackberries for Jam making tomorrow. I must have collected berries as a child but for the life of me I can't remember doing so, so this afternoon, with bucket in hand and with fingers covered in purple juice I had an amble down a nostalgia lane that perhaps never really existed.for me.
It was fun


  1. I read your blog every single day and really enjoy the little slice of life in rural Wales that you paint so well.

    Wish you were just down the road so I could drop by for a visit with the chickens...

  2. teenage diary of a middle aged man, but your comments are gratefully recieved
    thank u


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes