What a difference a day makes.................

Apologies for the brief rant about the weather, but it has pissed down all day today. My allotment is in dire, dire need of some sun to bring on the veg naturally, as some of the beans,parsnips are dragging their feet in the wet soil.
The over sized cowboy hat that Chris bought me from Canada has finally come in handy again and at least my face has kept dry as I was emptying the twenty foot square potato patch.
Compared to yesterday's sociability, today has been a bit of a bust as the rain has left me alone with my plants and chickens. Got a text from Sheffield mate Mike, who will be meeting me for a night out in the city on the 23rd,- which sort of kept me going until Chris got home.
Popped up to the garden centre and splashed out with my egg and potato profits on several black current bushes ( they were going cheap as they are not frost resistant). Despite the rain, I managed to plant the lot of them ( collecting a hundred or so earthworms as a treat for Nell and Maude as I did so)
I hope to have a large fruit bush plot all set up in time for the allotment open on August 6th.
Working all weekend (2 twelve hour shifts YET AGAIN), so I suspect Chris will be near breaking point Sunday night with all the animal responsibility....mind you I did notice he has bought The Guns of Navarone and Where Eagles Dare on dvd, so I suspect there will be a lot of lying around on the couch on Saturday.

Off for a long clean bath now, with tons of dettol added.....doesn't half gets you squeaky clean after a dirty gardening day.

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