Enjoyable day

It has been one of those busy and nice days that sort of creep up on you, every minute has been filled with activity, even though I have only one cake made to show for the energy I feel I have expended.
Caught up with a couple of girls from work, who visited for potatoes and eggs ( but really wanted to play with the chicks and ducklings), chin wagged with Geoff for ages, who is constructing his own hen house, and sold a score of produce by an increasingly large number of cold calling villagers.( all of whoom keep you chatting for hours)
It was a case of lots of talk, not a great deal of work done, which makes a welcome change.
Met a delightful lady from the village called Sandra who came down to visit the field. She had recently got rid of her runner ducks , hens and allotment ( to make way for a new house in her vast garden) and was obviously suffering withdrawal symptoms for it all. We chatted for ages and bounced around some ideas for organising a village "produce group"..........I am Pat Archer........

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