Janet's Garden open

Sister Ann stationed herself at the makeshift entrance and "shop" Everything for sale was grown and processed from her own allotment.
The turn out was respectable indeed, I think around 30-40 people turned up in small groups, and all got fed and watered, (my chocolate cake went down very well). The garden was immaculate.

Below Hazel and daughter Polly, with Aunt Judy.

Great neice Ellie and Tim turned up at around 7pm................and everyone else seemed to enjoy the evening. In the end Janet made 180 quid for charity.which was an amazing amount


  1. Ok, so I'm fascinated by this. She just decided to have an 'open house' in her garden? Is this a British thing cause I've never heard of anything similar here in the States. Big commercial gardens do this sort of thing, but not individuals. Or maybe it's just a small town thing. Anyway, I'd love to be able to wander around someone's garden...

  2. Britain has a charity that opens "bigger" private gardens around the country for a small fee. You get a chance to see a normal , (usually beautiful) garden, have a home made cake and a cup of tea. Some garens are "stately home" size others are tiny cottage gardens.

    My sister started this trend albeit on a smaller scale here. ( see previosu blog on her allotment open) and raised a nice ammount for a local hospice. My other sister followed suit and my allotment will be open in aug.
    its a bit of fun

    thanks for reading


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