Hypochondria? and some good news

I have felt a bit rough for a day or so (suffice to say jippy bowels and that's all you need to know).
Tonight I went into work after uncharacteristically sleeping very deeply for two hours before shift and by midnight I was suffering a banging headache,nausea and was sh*tting for Wales.
Oh the shame of being given a stool specimen container by the senior nurse on duty ( and a plastic bag and latex gloves for the journey home), She is convinced that I have picked up salmonella from the influx of ducklings (hence the gloves) and by the time I got home I was totally convinced of that too. Tomorrow I will be wearing said gloves every time water and bedding has to be changed.
It is now past 1am and I am wide awake and still rather bilious (don't you love that word?) I have been checking out e mails to pass the time and was delighted in receiving an e mailed photo from Meggie an old colleague of mine from Sheffield. I always have had a soft spot for Meggie as she had one of those warm bouncy personalities that made you feel well supported and happy to be at work and I was lucky to be able to"poach" her from a neighbouring ward where she worked as a Staff nurse. As I was leaving Sheffield it was great to hear that Meggie and another of my favourite Staff nurses Mick had started a relationship and only recently Chris and I have been invited to their wedding in August.
I love a good wedding.
Anyhow when I did finally get home this morning I was surprised to see yet another two caramel ducklings flopping around in the incubator. Another two eggs are piping away, so by tomorrow we will definitely have 16 ducklings maybe more. Thank god I have several people wanting to buy.
Off now to sit on the loo with Homes and Antiques.

1 comment:

  1. That's the last time I read one of those magazines in your bathroom...get well soon Nx


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