Charlotte Perrelli - Hero ---Eurovision gets back to what it used to be

I have not watched the Eurovision song contest fr a long time. The Eastern block countries have spoilt the rather sweet and old fashioned feel, that the likes of Abba,Dana International and dare I say Gina G gave to the compotition.
This year we seem to be back on course with Sweden's Mz Perrelli.
She ticks every box....she looks like a drag queen, she is yelling a bland but toe tapping tune with a Bonnie Tyler ish intensity and she she's wearing a dress that Katie Boyle would adore.....
hope she/he wins.....


  1. I think she has already been tipped as a favourite with the bookies, according to the BBC website. I agree that Eurovision has changed, but for the better: the UK has simply not deserved to win for over a decade now, and the East European countries have generally taken the standard far, far higher in terms of culture and musicality. The UK's entry last year marked a real low point. Part of the problem is the lack of critical reflection on a poor UK performance (not helped by the retriet into casual racism by the media in particular) and a failure to recognise how seriously others take it. However, I feel a big factor is the 'public vote' used to nominate candidates. Mine is not a popular opinion, but I strongly believe that we need informed musical/industry EXPERTS who understand the history, culure and politics of Eurovision to select a nominee, not Joe Public voting for 'who they know' at 49p a pop.As for who should win this year...I'm open minded: I wanted Georgia to win last year, but I'm not sure what's on the menu this year as I haven't heard them all yet.

  2. I agree, a return to the old voting system were a panel of judges from each country voted on merit would be good.....


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