Duck news

Been busy today.The poultry empire is growing nicely, as this afternoon I have set up the final duck and (hopefully) goose enclosure and house, ready for the potential (!!!!!) arrival of the new ducklings. Batch two , (which are due early next month) have been arranged beautifully in the smallest coop by Blanche, who has sat steady on them all day, only popping out once to stuff her face with food and have the largest and most offensive crap in the history of Trelawnyd hens.(apparently large messy craps are a sign of getting broody!)
The batch of eggs in the incubator have had their last humidification and turns, and now will be left for fate and nature to take its course.
Risking sounding like a real old poof ( or even worse a middle aged square) I have baked a flan for Peter and Tracey instead of buying the baby a fluffy bunny,- my thinking is old fashioned:- that a new baby would leave you exhausted and not bothered with home cooked food so I will deliver that tomorrow on the egg delivery and Jess walking run.
Off out now to earth up my potatoes.....

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