Stellet licht

Stellet licht (2007) (Silent Light) was a bloody hard slog. Beautiful visuals ( namely a Jaw-dropping opening shot -- a six-minute-long time-lapse image of a night time sky slowly giving way to dawn and then full-fledged daybreak ) are impressive but the story of a Latin American Mennonite community and the adulterous relationship of one arable farmer in particular was terribly tedious to say the least. Director Carlos Reygadas does like his Long, long,long shots and when you have seen one three minute shot of a barn, or a farmhouse in the snow, you have seen them all.
The beautiful cinematography ( including some wonderful Norman Rockwell-ish portrait studies of the isolated farming community) was just not enough to hold the audience attention, and several of them (like Hazel and I ) actually walked out before the end.

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