Blanche is now a woman! and I get an award

One of the hybrids Blanche has gone broody. Hormones have taken hold, her arse has cemented itself to the "A" frame's single nest box and every time you open the nest door, all you see is a very indignant face , which almost says in a very Katherine Tate- way
"How very dare YOU?"
I hadn't planned to use one of my own broody hens as a surrogate mother for some more of the newly laid duck eggs, but I thought I would capitalise on this sudden gift of maternal closeness and have sneaked 6 of the spare duck eggs underneath her this evening.
Hopefully she will do better than I did with the first clutch of eggs.
Worked last night so ignored the phone when It went this morning. A message was left one of the senior sisters on ITU who said that I had won a hospital trust award for innovations in care! Apparently staff had nominated me ( this is news to me) for the work I did with teaching and promoting excellent standards of care related to a spinally injured patient recently.......
The "award ceremony" is in May.....tee hee......I can feel a Bette Davies acceptance speech coming on....

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