30 hens and a potential new Great Nephew

Collecting three new hens with four dogs in the boot and Jess (left) sat on the dash board was perhaps NOT a good idea.After seeing a "free to good home" advertisement at the Farm warehouse, I rang up an elderly lady living in the hills somewhere behind Abergele, to arrange to take some unwanted point of lay hens off her hands.
It turned out that the lady in question was a full time carer for her husband who had recently suffered a succession of strokes,so looking after poultry and a selection of other animals had become too much a burden. After coffee ( and a ton of scones) I piled three of her lovely amber rockets ( actually they are almost pure white) into the back of the car and I was very good at resisting the rest of her "unwanted" hens AND an elderly sheepdog that was also being re homed,(Bless , she was very tearful when telling me all this)... but I must admit It was pretty hard as I am a sucker for a sob story.
Anyhow on the A55 and almost home, Jess suddenly "got wind" that there were birds somewhere in the car, and literally went berserk.Thank god I had taken the precaution of tying her to the seat belt, if I hadn't it would have been "thank you and good night" for the three new girls who I have named Margo ,Karen and Eve. Anyhow got them home and set up in Stanley's coop in one piece... but only just.

Ann rang this afternoon to tell me that Nephew Pete has taken his wife Tracie into hospital this morning for the birth of their second child..which is great news..Bugger only knows what we will get the baby....Buying for little ones is not a strong point of mine.

Back to some sort of normality tomorrow, Chris is home..

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