
It has been a warm springlike day and I have spent most of it outside in a tee shirt.In fact I have been outside from 7am until 5pm and am writing this waiting for the water to heat up so that I can have a hot bath.
so what have I done all day?
I have:-
>Sown grass seeds on all the bald patches in the field.
>planted wild flower seeds (Californian poppies,welsh poppies,ox-eye daisies,field cornflowers and cowslips)
on the border of the allotment.
>aired the compost bins
>wormed the ducks
>potted up butternut squash,
>bathed maddie and George,
>planted early lettace,artichokes,main crop spuds,radish,and transplanted broad bean seedlings to the main beds.

>Planted out a new herb bed with French parsley,golden marjoram,mint,lemon balm,rosemary and sages
>put fox proof latches on the new ducking house.
>Gave Mike and Viv a load of chicken manure
>mown and edged the lawn
>sold Chris' saddle and delivered it.!!!!!!!!!! (I got half the price of the sale for organising it)
>Walked the dogs up the Gop ( William and George spent most of their time swinging from a kids' rope swing -pic)
>Picked Janet's Jess up and walked all the dogs on the beach.
>did 4 loads of washing,delivered some eggs and collected a ton of veg and fruit for the hens.

Off to Ann and Tims tonight for tea, which is great.Chris is back on Wednesday...it will be nice to have him home making the place untidy.

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