Sad Bastard

I felt as though I had to make the most of the sunny day today, and get all those jobs done which I failed to do properly yesterday due to the horrendous weather. No sleep,(what's new) I cleaned out the coops,cleared the enclosures of hen detritus and walked the dogs. Kirsty Young was interviewing the wonderfully gentle and Interesting Penelope Wilton on Desert Island Discs, so I drove to Sainsbury's in order to listen to the excellent interview.
It was here at the supermarket checkout that I was reminded just how much a "sad old git" I actually am!
The content of my shopping trolley was as follows:
2 x 27p cheap white loaves (a treat for the hens)
20 x 15p cans of basic sweetcorn (also for the hens)
4 pigs ears ( for the dogs)
1 small can of gin & tonic (diet) for me
1 bottle of bleach (to clean the Kitchen floor)
1 box of basic fishfingers (49p) for lunch.....I love fish fingers...
The twelve year old check out girl, raised an eyebrow and no more when she saw my goodies......and I felt as though I had to explain why I was purchasing what was on the conveyor belt. She smiled rather weakly when I explained away the sweetcorn, but I could tell she thought I was a pure "odd bod", especially as I was covered in mud and chicken poo from that mornings jobs.....
I felt absolutely knackered by mid afternoon, and cried off a kind invitation at Ann's for dinner as all I needed was to veg with Casino Royale (2006) on DVD. The azure eyed Daniel Craig would never be found dead buying pigs ears and fishfingers at Sainsbury's........

1 comment:

  1. Hello (near) neighbour, thought I'd drop by and say hi, i live over the west a little in Conwy.

    I often try to imagine what the other guys in the checkout are planning to cook, but usually it's all frozen dinners, so not much for the imagination, I guess yours would have sent mine into overdrive!

    Love to see a pic of your ducklings when they hatch :-)


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