No Flower show,Nights and Nuovomondo

Days when I am working nights ( I think you understand what I mean) can be a little flat. Being up all day coupled with the fact that you know that you will be up all night, often leaves you with that Sunday night feeling you used to have before school when you were a child.
It has been raining all day, so after a 6 am walk,I have cleaned the house,changed the beds,scrubbed the kitchen clean, sorted the animals out then walked the dogs yet again, all before midday.
I phoned Sylvia the flower show secretary this morning after realising I had missed the last committee meeting in the week. As I suspected the show had been cancelled due to the prohibitive costs of staging the show at the school, which is a pity. If it was up to me, I would have given it a go, but I have to remember that costs are a consideration and most of the original committee members are more elderly and the upheaval of the show's relocation would have been a touch call for many of them.
The good news is that the memorial hall WILL be ready by November, so in principle it has been decided to stage a Christmas "show", with a craft section, cookery section and flowers. It will give the village a chance to get together and keep the impetus and sucess of last year's show going.
Settled down this afternoon to watch the Italian "epic" Nuovomondo (2006) (Golden Door-pic) but it was a dire story of Italian Immigrants fighting to get into the US at the turn of the Century. Hummmm not a bag of laughs....I don't often get the chance to watch a film in an afternoon, so seeing the great unwashed at Ellis Island was not the most restful of subjects. Turned on to sky and watched The African Queen (1951) instead.
Now that's proper matinee viewing

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