Teachers have the right Idea

I wasn't surprised to hear that the NUT's ballot has 3 to 1 voted in support of a strike on the 24th of April. General secretary Steve Sinnott said: "I call on the government to think again and ensure that salaries at least keep pay in line with inflation and that there is a recognition of the continuing workload pressures on teachers." , but I think that the strike (the first in 20 years) is less a reaction of money and inflation, but an indication of how low morale has sunk to in the education system.I never thought I would agree with public sector strikes, but I support the teachers' actions wholeheartedly. I hope that their action and I suspect the public support that it will generate, will galvanise nurses into similar statements of dissatisfaction. The NMC (Nurse and Midwifery Council) and the RCN (Royal College of Nurses) are terribly impotent and old fashioned organisations and are in desperate need of a shake up. Nursing has been dumbed down for far too long. Morale is low, standards are dropping and nurses like the teachers need to "draw a line in the sand"- to say enough is enough. so when the time comes,( and I hope it will very very soon), for nurses to be balloted in order to take industrial action, I for one will be voting to strike!!!!!!!!

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