Why I will Never be Jane Asher

I woke up smiling slightly to myself this morning, in a post works night out muzzy-ness. Not a group of nurses eating a cheap curry this time but an up market early evening meal at Osborns with Chris' collegues from the big red brick University.
They were polite, slightly reserved,articulate and very sober. I was tired after nights ( no sleep in 24 hours!), jolly,chatty, slightly nervous and warmed ( but by no means drunk) by several large wines.
I am not used to "cocktail party "chat. I find it all a bit difficult. To me a night out is a chance for a good chat, a laugh (hopefully) and to relax. I have no idea how to do polite and meaningless as it seems a pointless to me. If you want to continue working relationships then do it at work is what I say, but I guess the higher Chris climbs on that academic ladder the more "intelligent" tea parties I will have to experience and get use to.
The meal was great as usual but next time I won't bang on too much about my chicken's sexual exploits! and will have two less wines during dinner! hey ho!

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