In the wars

Last night Judy came round for dinner (roast duck too!!) and a nice evening was spoilt by me feeling ill around 6pm! No it wasn't a hangover at all,as I had a temperature of 38.5 and suddenly got all shivery and a bit dopey!
At 8 ish I had a bath and went to bed and slept right through until this morning still with a temperature but feeling a tad better.Don't know what it could be,but certainly I have felt fairly rubbish.
Poort Stanley has been having a rough time also! as Duncan was shut in his coop over night by accident. Close proximity of two males and a load of females precipitated a huge fight which Stanley of course lost. He was covered in blood when he emerged and looked very sorry for himself indeed. It took me an age to catch him and it was apparant he had suffered several nasty pecks to his head and neck.Poor boy! I cleaned him up best I could and fed him.and resolved myself to check more carefully where he and Duncan are each night.

The rest of the day I have been doing home stuff and sleeping. Typically it has been a glorious sunny day, but apart from walking the dogs I have rested indoors most of the time.

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